Space and life are important keywords when we explore new research
In September 2002, in collaboration with the National Space Development
Agency of Japan (NASDA), the Science Academy of Tsukuba organized
a symposium titled "Science Frontier Tsukuba 2002" (theme:
Think What to Learn From the Universe), which was held to commemorate
the 30th anniversary of the NASDA Tsukuba Space Center..
As the next step from SFT2002, this project aims to provide a forum
for effective discussion where researchers will discuss the frontiers
of research and technology, and the possibilities in extreme situations,
based on the keywords of space and life from their respective viewpoints,
hence resulting in specific joint research.
Also, with the participation of a wide range of people including the
general public and students in order to contribute to scientific education,
the project will provide a basis for fostering their scientific minds.
Expected Participants:
Organized by:
Co-organized by:
Space and Life: Frontier of research challenging the unknown
Researchers, engineers, students, general public
November 14 (Sunday), 2004
Daigaku-Kaikan Hall, University of Tsukuba
Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation into English will be provided)
Science Academy of Tsukuba
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Building Research Institute
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI)
Geographical Survey Institute
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA),
Japan International Research Center for Agriculture Sciences (JIRCAS)
Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)
National Agriculture and Bio-oriented Research Organization (NARO)
National Food Research Institute (NFRP)
National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES)
National Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management
National Institute for Material Science (NIMS)
National Institute for Rural Engineering (NIRE)
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS)
Public Works Research Institute (PWRI)
University of Tsukuba
Ibaraki Prefecture
City of Tsukuba
Session [1] Dr. Chiaki Mukai, Astronaut, JAXA
"Research forefront of manned space flight
- Life science approach" (tentative)
11:05~11:55 |
Session [2] Dr. Bruce Murray,
Professor Emeritas of California Institute of Technology,
Former Director of Jet Propulsion Laboratory
"Discovering possible ancient habitats
on Mars"
Discussion Part 1 Presentation by three speakers
[1] Process of forming of a planet where humans
can live (Tentative title) <30 min>
Dr. Eiichi Takahashi, Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary
Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology
[2]Life on the edge of biospheres <30
Dr. Takeshi Naganuma, Associate Professor, Graduate School
of Biosphere Sciences, Hiroshima University
[3] Comment: Development of discussion into
Part 2 <10 min>
Mr. Yuichi Takayanagi, Advisor in charge of public relations,
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Session (50 min)
Theme: Getting to know the universe, getting
to utilize the universe
* A Students' Corner is to be set up.
Discussion Part 2 <120 min>
"Space and Life: Frontier of research challenging
the unknown"
Chiaki Mukai
Bruce Murray
Eiichi Takahashi
Takeshi Naganuma
Yuichi Takayanagi
Leo Esaki |
Leo Esaki
Chairman, Science Academy of Tsukuba
Yohichi Gohshi
President, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Tatsuo Hamaguchi
Director General, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure
Mizuho Ishida
Research Supervisor, National Research Institute for Earth Science
and Disaster Prevention
Yoichi Iwasaki
President, University of Tsukuba
Teruo Kishi
President, National Institute for Materials Science
Kisaburo Kodama
Senior Vice-President, Director, AIST Tsukuba
Eitaro Miwa
President, National Agriculture and Bio-oriented Research Organization
Kazuo Murakami
Executive Director, Foundation for Advancement of International Science
Yoji Totsuka
Director-General, KEK
Shuichiro Yamanouchi
President, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Masatoshi Okada
Scientific Consultant, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Masaru Kaizu
Director, Geographical Survey Institute
Yasunori Matogawa
Professor, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA
Ichiyo Matsuzaki
Associate Professor, Institute of Community Medicine, University of
Tsuyoshi Mitamura
Director, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences
Youhei Morita
Deputy Head, Public Relations Office, KEK
Kazuo Murakami
Executive Director, Foundation for Advancement of International Science
Hiromoto Nakazawa
NIMS Fellow, National Institute for Materials Science
Hiroshi Ohkura
Director, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster
Shigeko Togashi
Director, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST
Takashi Uehiro
Director, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Science Academy of Tsukuba, Head Office
c/o Tsukuba International Congress Center
2-20-3, Takezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0032
TEL +81-29-861-1206 FAX +81-29-861-1209
Science Academy of Tsukuba, Tokyo Office
c/o ZENCOM Inc.
2-26-8-001B, Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0034
TEL&FAX +81-3-3837-4723