Major Activities | Orgnization Chart | Committee

Science Academy of Tsukuba Activity Plan

The major activities of Science Academy of Tsukuba based in Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba International Congress Center are as follows.

1. To promote exchange of researchers of various fields in order to contribute to the development of science and technology
- Research exchange meeting
Scientists and engineers beyond the framework of their field of expertise will get together to give research presentations on a particular theme, exchange opinions, promote exchange, and conduct activities to contribute to the pioneering of new branches of study. In particular, to plan seminars for young researchers and engineers regardless of measures or field of study in order to promote cross-sectional research exchanges of science and technology.
- SAT Salon (tentative name)
This salon provides researchers with an opportunity to exchange information informally. A host will be appointed every time.
- International exchange activities

2. Enlightenment activities to promote social interest towards science and technology
- Organize science and technology seminars for the public
In order to heighten the interest of children and the general public in science, leading-edge researchers will provide information on their research in lay terms so that the contents of their research can be easily understood by people having only a basic knowledge of natural science.
- Dispatch lecturers to seminars organized by local authorities

3. Exchanges with business enterprises in order to apply science and technology to industry
- Plan and organize related businesses
- Information exchange with public administrators

4. Public relations
- Issue newsletters
In order to supplement the above activities, newsletters will be issued to make the purpose of Science Academy of Tsukuba widely known and to propose the future vision of research.
- Open and run its web site

5. Support research projects through cross-cultural exchanges
As a symbol of multi-disciplinary research activities, support joint research of themes that will make a contribution to the development of society in the 21st century and by researchers of different fields.

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